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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

1231 days 6 hours ago
After 26 days of journeying on your Road to Paradise, three contestants remain. Zach, Scott, and Nate. The three of them have been battling for power and safety for this entire competition, but now is when the power transfers back to our jury of nine.

Zach, Scott, and Nate. You now all have time to give your final cases to the jury on why you should be crowned the winner of the first ever season of Road to Paradise. After they give their speeches the jury may ask them questions about their games.

Good luck!
1231 days 5 hours ago
Hello Jury!
Wow has it been a crazy journey in this game. There's three separate portions of this game that I want to talk about so let's get into it!

First we have the Big Brother phase.
My goal here was to lay low and to actually just rely on others not to nominate me for eviction. The first week was heavily inactive so I got lucky with talking to the HOH that week and secured my safety in the week. The second HOH was Sam. This is where my first alliance came into the game. I knew a few people coming in but I didn't want to over play too fast. Sam won HOH and I was able to solidify an alliance with Sam Scott and myself. Looking at how the game played out this alliance probably benefited me the most as I am the only person still here to have survived the tribal council rounds aka F8. Sam had it out for Alfie and I feel like I campaigned hard for him to go home. We saw a tie that week and Sam evicted Alfie for the time being. I then won the next HOH and while snooping into pre existing relationships of people I didn't know I found the connection of Alfie, Braden, Hong, and Oliver. This is where I made my first strike in the game. I put up Braden and Oliver because neither had really talked game to me and I knew they were votes that tried to save Alfie in the previous eviction and for my game that was a threat. After Oliver won the POV I decided to rename Hong as the replacement. At this point I did want Braden to go home over Hong and that's exactly what happened. Even though I didn't have a vote I was able to influence the house enough to get my way.

On to the TAR portion of the game. I got Scott as my partner and I honestly couldn't have been more thankful. Through this short phase we had Logan and Alfie return to the game for a short time. Scott and I were able to successfully find the TAR idol that I used on myself at the F6 of the Survivor portion of the game. Scott was actually the person who found the idol, but after he won immunity at F6 he passed it to me to play it on myself. There wasn't a lot of strategy that went into this portion but Scott and I both finished 1st and 2nd in the 2 legs respectively showing our ability to have strength in comps.

Finally, the Survivor portion of the game. This is where I feel like I shined the brightest. I came into this portion knowing that Hong and Oliver were a pair and they likely had Cierra with them. That left 5 people: myself, Scott, Hoop, Sam, and Zach. With the information I had and the relationships I had built through the game I secured an alliance of 5 named Fab Five. We were able to dominate the Survivor portion of this game. There is probably a huge question you are all wondering and that's "How did you play a good game if you almost went home at the F8?" This is my answer. After the immunity challenge Scott gave me the clue to the Survivor Idol and I was able to correctly find the location of that idol and had it in my pocket. Scott had the TAR idol in his pocket. We both knew that there was a chance people would target me because we did so well in TAR that people would assume we had the TAR idol. However, I also knew that there was no way that more than 1 of the 5 would flip on me. I had built the connections and the relationships tightly with the people in that five to feel confident enough that I would stay in the event that the vote did tie. And I was absolutely right. Whether someone like Cierra flipped her vote in fear of rocks or whoever had originally voted me flipped back it doesn't technically matter in my mind anyways. I was able to correctly assess the situation and hold off on burning an idol when I knew I could use them later down the road. The F7 rolls around and Cierra decided to walk from the game. At this point she was on a sinking ship and it was probably likely that she would've gone home here irregardless. Whether or not that's the full truth because we never got to test that is what will remain a mystery. The F6 rolls around and honestly this is where I felt the worst. I knew that Sam was playing a very strong game and that it could come back to bite me if I let him get to far. With the help of Hong as an outlier, Scott who also saw this move beneficial, and Zach we were all able to vote him out. I do think Sam was probably the most robbed player this season just because the alliance could've stayed strong and sent home Hong here but some of us chose to make a move that did actually benefit all 3 of us as we are all in the FTC. Hong didn't necessarily have the numbers to rat us out and try to flip. I don't think Hoop would've voted me scott or zach out there over Hong and I I knew where all of the idols were at. Scott was immune and I was playing the TAR idol at F6 regardless of what was going to happen. So I think that for myself Zach and Scott that move was the best for us as we are all able to sit here today. As for the final five vote I was able to secure the immunity. That left me with an idol in my pocket to play on anyone I wanted to. My full intentions this round was to take Hong out of the game. He was the favored underdog and had allies on the jury. I knew that if I wanted any shot to win this game I needed Hong out. I think Hong played a phenomenal game given the hand he was dealt and maybe if the Big Brother portion went just a little different this game would've been his for the taking. But, I had an idol that I could play. I chose to play it on Scott for a few different reasons. Scott had given me the idol to play at F6, and he didn't actually have to do that since he was already immune. Scott was also the person I felt the closest to in this game and I think we were able to traverse together quite well even with targets on our backs. I was banking on that if Scott did win the Final Immunity that he would've taken me to the end over Zach and Hoop. But overall I felt like if Scott was taken out at 5 Hong could've won final immunity and easily won the game. Of course I knew Hong didn't have the idol because I had it, and I actually told everyone after I won immunity that I had the idol and was gonna play it on someone lol. F4 rolls around and I bomb the FIC and Zach wins it. He takes Scott and so I am forced to face off against Hoop in the FMC. I was actually really nervous when I found out it was a slide puzzle, but I was able to beat out Hoop in the end and earn my spot to fight for this title.

Throughout this game I was able to use my social connections to ensure that I wasn't the one going home and sending home people that were a threat to my game instead. I faced harder times in this game because I was put into a tie at the F8 and had to fight in the FMC to get to the end. I was able to win a crucial immunity and play 2 idols. These idols helped me to gain information about the game because I didn't fear saying the wrong things to the wrong people because I had security if I ever needed it. I was able to take a shot in Big Brother at a preexisting relationship and successfully send home Braden. Although I worked closely with Scott I always ensured that I was seen as an individual and I hope that's what this final speech invokes.

I am happy to clear up any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

This has truly been a blast to play and I am so thankful to be here. Thank you all for an amazing game!!
1231 days 5 hours ago
Hey jurors!

I just want to say right off the bat how much fun it was to play this game with you guys.  For the past several years, my wife and I have gone on vacation every January to get a break from it all and to escape the frigid Canadian winter, but this year, due to the pandemic, we could not do so.  Playing this game with you guys made this January somewhat palatable for me, and for that I have you, the pre-jurors, and of course our two lovely hosts to thank.

If you choose to give your vote to either of my two co-finalists, it will not be a wasted vote, for both of them played their hearts out and 100 per cent deserve to be here with me.  I wish you, Zach, and you  Nathan, the best of luck.

That being said, I feel that I have played the best game of the three of us, and I will spell out why here.  I also look forward to answering your questions, so please do not hesitate to ask.

As most of you know, I have played a bunch of Survivor group games since the pandemic began, and I've developed a bit of a reputation being a strong social and strategic Survivor player, bordering on cutthroat.   Due to this reputation, I usually am a huge target early, and my placements reflect it.  I knew going into this game that I had to play a little differently, especially in light of the fact that this was a combo Big Brother, Race and Survivor game, not just a typical Survivor game.

I decided to lay low for the Big Brother portion of the game.   Socially, I didn't change my game at all.  I talked to pretty much everyone, and I cemented pre-existing relationships I had with people like Nathan, Alfie, Jake, and Hong, people that were my allies in prior games.  However, strategically, I decided to stay in the background for the first third of the game, and let other people get power and get blood on their hands.  I knew that my social game would keep me off of people's radars early, and I used that to my advantage, for I never went up on the block, either as an initial nom or a replacement nom.   I am far from a comp beast, and I knew that, so I wouldn't say I threw any comps, but I certainly wasn't trying.  I never got picked for veto, so that was easy.  I reached my goal of surviving the BB portion with no blood on my hands and playing a very lowkey game.  It definitely was foreign to me but mission accomplished.

During this time, I started becoming close with Zach.   Zach had co-hosted me in a game last year and had looked forward to getting the chance to play with me.  Zach and I became allies early on, although we didn't have the opportunity to test how strong our alliance was until later on in the game.

Although I was getting close with Zach and to some extent Sam (thru Nathan), my ride or die this whole game from start to finish was Nathan.  Nate and I had been friends for a long time on tengaged and we had played in multiple group games together as well, and he had proven to me that he was always going to have my back.

Fortunately for me, Nathan became my partner in the Race portion.   I had never played a Race before, and I was dreading it to be honest, for challenges have never been my forte.   My fortes have always been SOCIAL and STRATEGIC and frankly, I felt that these skills would not help me as much in this part of the game.  Nathan beasted out in these challenges and I will admit that my role was limited at best.   Still, inevitably, luck is still a part of the game, and admittedly I did get a little lucky here with being paired with Nathan.   Our Race team's success led to idol clues, which led to me finding the Race idol, something that would further cement my alliance with Nathan as we entered the Survivor portion of the game.

I was finally in my comfort zone as we started playing Survivor.   I had an idol and I had good social  relationships with the majority of my competitors.  Who would have known that I would go on an immunity run?   I took two immunities in a row and gained a very helpful idol clue, which I ultimately shared with Nathan, who ultimately found it.   With the Survivor portion starting with only a handful of people left, and with me winning immunities to boot, I believe my competitors did not have the time to see me for the threat that I  really was.   While winning these immunities and transferring idols back and forth with Nathan, I also entered into a f3 deal with Nathan and Zach, and I entered into a final two deal with Hong, who was pretty much all by himself once Oliver was voted out. .  By having deals with both "sides" of the tribe, I managed to navigate my way to the end, without ever seeing my name appear on a parchment.  With your help, I hope that will change now.

So I will stop here (as I have a tendency to get long winded) and let you guys take that all in, and I look forward to your questions.  I just wanted to summarize here...I realize that you guys may have specific questions relating to specific portions of my game which I will gladly answer.

I believe I have  a nice combination of strong social play, strategic moves, and challenge wins on my resume.

Thank you for your time!

1231 days 3 hours ago
Wow. Look at the essays above me! These guys took this game seriously and I'm extremely honored to be in a final 3 with great competitors like Nathan and Scott. I'm not going to lie it's extremely intimidating sitting here and trying to figure out something to write here to convince you jurors to vote for me to win Road to Paradise over such excellent competition.

I don't think my game was as flashy as Scott's or Nathans, but I played the game I knew how to play the best for me. I made some solid connections, fought hard in every competition, and relied on my strong connections to get me step by step into the seat I am in now.

I guess I will start to walk you through my gameplay week by week as the other two did.

When the Big Brother portion and the game itself began, I like most of you looked to the people I was familiar with. Now let me make this clear up front, none of these relationships were "Premades" coming into this game and I'm sure anyone I name would echo that statement. The people I immediately saw and wanted to align myself with were Braden, Scott, Joey, Jake, Alfie, and Nathan. Nathan messaged me fairly quickly and we continued to keep each other updated on things we were hearing. Same with Scott, we established trust in each other right off the bat. I also knew Hong from another group game where we were semi aligned, so when he won the first HoH I felt very safe.

Oliver won the veto and took Adam off, Drew went up, and I voted with the majority to send Logan home. Week 2 was a much different story. Sam won HoH and quickly asked me if I would vote Alfie out. I like Alfie a lot but knew he was a huge threat in the game and very close with Braden, who I wanted to be a close ally of mine. So I agreed and Alfie went home in Sam's tiebreaker vote. This was great for me as it made Sam stick out as a big threat to a lot of people.

In Week 3's HoH I won my group and went to the semifinal, where Nathan and I made a deal to not nominate each other no matter who won. He won against me and in the finals, and held true to his deal keeping me safe and getting absolutely no blood on my hands. Oliver won the veto and the final nominees were Hong and Braden and I voted with the minority for the first time as Braden went home.

After this was the Battle Back and the Amazing Race Portion where I can't really take any credit for the losses of Joey and Jake or Alfie and Logan other than my partner Sam and I worked well enough together to get us through to the Survivor Portion.

Okay the Survivor Portion I think we all can say was the toughest part of the game. This is where Nathan started messaging me a lot Scott and I had a "Final 2" that I honored by taking him to Final Tribal Council after winning the final immunity. Starting the survivor portion with 8 was honestly nice when I wasn't target #1. Which is most of my strategy to be honest, do anything I can to avoid being the biggest target. During this day a plan was hatched for Scott, Sam, Hoop, Nathan, and I to vote out Oliver while Oliver, Hong, and Ciurra were caught in the minority.

During the day here as well I was added to a chat with Oliver, Hong, Scott, and Ciurra planning to vote Nathan, so I knew unless we drew rocks I would be safe. I voted Oliver out both in the 4-4 tie and the 4-2 revote. I believe the original flip was Sam, but I do not know this for sure.

To speed up a long speech already, Ciurra quit in 7th, Sam was voted off 6th as myself, Scott, Nathan, and Hoop sort of formed together as Sam was the suspected flipper in 8th, voted Hong out 5th as the outsider there, and then the one time my neck was really on the line I won the final four immunity to sit here tonight.

Again, my game wasn't flashy. I don't think a game needs to be flashy to win a game, but maybe that's where you and I differ. At the end of the day, my connections were solid all game long and I constantly used them to position myself in the best possible spot in order to survive every week. It's a game of inches, and I constantly fought for the extra inch to get to the finals of the Road to Paradise.

With that in mind, please vote for me to win.

Thank you.
1231 days 2 hours ago
Well grats you three on making it to the end. I have no ill will and open to voting any of you. I do have a couple of questions for all of you and you have to do them all or I won't vote you.

Question 1 Had this been a final 2, who would you have cut for 3rd and why.

Question 2 Tell me something you learned about each Juror and each other . The more juicy and personal the better since I want to see just how social you all really were.

Question 3 In your opinion, I want you all to rank each juror from who played the best to who you think played the  worst along with the reason for it.
1231 days 2 hours ago
1) I would have cut Nathan, as I had the most loyalty with Scott in my game.

2) I'm just going to say the ones I know but my social game wasn't stellar. Scott is an MOT (member of the tribe) like myself, Nathan (i kinda knew from Stars but confirmed in this) is one of the greatest competitors on this website, Hoop you're one of my favorite people I've played group games with because you're loyalty is undying and your finger is always on the pulse of this game. You told me about Scott and Nathans bond and I didn't see it as clearly as you did. Hong I didn't realize was from England until this group game even though we played Yawn's BB together lol, Sam your video for the org you played with the prohibition party was hilarious and I learned that you're hilarious, Oliver we actually finally began to talk the day you were voted out and I had promised the Fab Five my vote but I wished we had talked sooner

3) I would keep the order of the jury in the way they were evicted honestly. Everyone played hard from my perspective and the only reason they got out when they did is because others were noticing that they were playing hard.
1231 days 1 hour ago
Hoop鈥檚 Questions:

Question 1 Had this been a final 2, who would you have cut for 3rd and why.
I would have cut Zach because although Scott and I played similarly I did at the end of the day have more loyalty to Scott and I鈥檝e been with Scott since basically day 1.

Question 2 Tell me something you learned about each Juror and each other . The more juicy and personal the better since I want to see just how social you all really were.

Jake has a bachelors degree in English and wants to go back to school after the pandemic is over!

Joey and I played Crash Pad season 4 together and we were able to make it to a decent point together. He unfortunately was taken out by Ahmad in an airlock that I didn鈥檛 send him into :(

Alfie is is actually a really cool guy. In the TAR Portion there was an alliance made with my duo and his duo. We talked in that chat a little bit we never got close. :/

Logan is someone I voted to keep in this game. After he returned we made an alliance with himself Alfie myself and Scott. We had planned to work together in Survivor but he didn鈥檛 make it. :(

Oliver is crazy good at comps. He is a tax consultant from Indonesia which i found pretty cool. Not often we meet people from other countries!

Ciurra is crazy good at puzzles and hates rocks now that she knows what they are 馃槀

Sam is someone who actually likes to plays ORGS. We was idol鈥檇 out of a series I played the season prior in. He鈥檚 actually really funny and we talked a bit about home life stuff.

Hong hasn鈥檛 cleaned his room since the spring LOL. We had a fun little battle about whether or not he voted for me at the F8. Nothing to serious tho.

Hoop, you like the Bears in college football and like to sometimes bet on football games for money lol.

Question 3 In your opinion, I want you all to rank each juror from who played the best to who you think played the  worst along with the reason for it.

9th: Jake. We never got to see him shine and was unable to perform in the TAR portion of the game.

8th: Ciurra. Although she made it into the Survivor portion of the game she was never able to get a footing in and walked for separate reasons from game related.

7th: Joey. I know Joey is a good competitor usually, but once TAR hit he was lost in the competition. Sad to see him go so soon.

6th: Logan. I think had Logan been able to make it to the Survivor portion he would be ranked higher, but he wasn鈥檛 able to show us everything he had. But props for being able to return even if it was a short time.

5th: Oliver. When we hit merge Oliver was seen as a very easy target and although he managed to get a tie he was sent home. I think he just got unfortunate that people were afraid of his allegiance with Hong.

4th: Alfie. If Alfie had made the Survivor portion he likely goes on a steam roll with Hong Oliver and Ciurra. However he was taken out right before we merged.

3rd: Hoop. Hoop was a good social player, but he did receive a vote from Hong when Hong left. I think Hoop may have not been as socially connected as he might鈥檝e thought he was.

2nd: Hong. I think Hong had an amazing underdog story and likely takes the cake if he sits in the end.

1st: Sam. Sam was playing a very good game up until his vote out. Unfortunately people saw his skills as a threat when we neared the end of the game and that鈥檚 why he was taken out.

This is just how I see it. May not be completely correct. But all of it aside I did enjoy each of you in your own ways!

Thank you Hoop for the questions.
1231 days 1 hour ago
Oh I forgot things I know about Scott and Zach LOL

Scott is from Canada. We go way back. Scott is a very loyal ally in games. Scott has a wife and I believe 2 kids. We played in a Heroes vs Villains game recently where we went home back to back lol.

Zach loves him some college basketball. We鈥檝e played stars together before. He鈥檚 a pretty chill guy and we vibe pretty well.
1230 days 17 hours ago
Question 1 Had this been a final 2, who would you have cut for 3rd and why.

As much as it would pain me to do so, I would have cut Zach.  Nathan was my ride or die since the beginning.  I have known him for a long time and he has proven his loyalty to me over and over again.  Zach was someone I really didn't know before the game started, although we did become very close as the game progressed.  I did promise Zach a f2, but I would have to pick Nathan.  The irony is, if I had cut Zach, my chances of winning would go down considerably, for I feel that Nathan played a game similar to mine and is more deserving of the win than Zach.  Sorry bud, but I had to answer Hoop truthfully here.

Question 2 Tell me something you learned about each Juror and each other . The more juicy and personal the better since I want to see just how social you all really were.

Jake:  I knew him going into the game so I had already established social connections with him.

Joey: We had a similar experience in Shawn's group game.  We both shared our love for Shawn as a person and host, but a dislike for his casts.

Alfie:  We knew each other very well coming into the game so social connections had already been established.  I know he is from the UK and is a veteran schooled GG player.  He and I shared an experience in our last game wherein we were allies the entire game and then he ruthlessly cut me at f4 (a move I totally respected, although disliked).

Logan: We became alligned during the Race portion of the game.  Sadly, I didn't get to know him personally as well as I would liked to have.

Oliver:  He is an extremely loyal person and player.

Ciurrra:  I know everything about her, being that we are married.  Where do I start....well, you wanted juicy...she is bisexual and often participates in threesomes/foursomes.  Gotta love her.

Sam: Another great guy.  We got to know each other on a game level pretty well this game, but I regret that I didn't get to know more about him personally.

Felix:  We were well acquainted before the game started so I had already established social connections with him.

Hoop: We were also well acquainted before the game started.  I know Logan loves to cook and loves his pets.

Finalists:  As explained above, Nathan and I go way back and Zach and I became close in this game especially when strategizing.

Hoop, I must say, this question definitely was an eye opener for me.  Due to me lying low for the first half to 2/3 of the game, I don't think I established the personal social connections I have in past games.  This was definitely a fault in my game this time, and I acknowledge that.

Question 3 In your opinion, I want you all to rank each juror from who played the best to who you think played the  worst along with the reason for it.

From best to worst

1.  Hong  (he lost ally after ally but used his incredible social game to claw his way to the f5)
2. Hoop  (you played your typical lowkey game and stayed under the radar, leading you to f4)
3. Oliver
4. Sam
5. Logan
6. Alfie (You are a MUCH better player than you showed in this game. I expect A LOT from you and as a friend, I must say, this game you did disappoint)
7. Jake
8. Joey
9. Ciurrra (sorry sweetheart, but you did quit...had you not quit, you would have been ranked higher)
1230 days 16 hours ago
I鈥檇 just like to point out that both Nathan and Scott said I鈥檇 be the odd man out in a final 2. Winning the final four immunity the one time my neck was on the line is the main reason I am here. I received no votes either at any tribal
1230 days 16 hours ago
zach, that's a very good point. 

And let me point out, that in the final 4, I was able to use whatever social capital I had to convince Nathan and Zach that I was their f2 so that they would bring me to the end with them, and so I can avoid the FMC.

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