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Series 2 - Application Form

Topic » Series 2 - Application Form

4316 days 23 hours ago
Color Level:
Activity: 1 to 10?
What does Girl Power mean to you?:
Your opinion on boys?:
What Will You Do To Win:
What's Your Favorite Color:

4316 days 22 hours ago
Me I do app after frooks
4316 days 22 hours ago
Color Level: Orange
Activity: 1 to 10?: 9
Age: 15
What does Girl Power mean to you?: It means gaining unity amongst women, and becoming whole equals to men.
Your opinion on boys?: They're gorgeous, DUH! but not to be trusted
What Will You Do To Win: I will do anything, hoepfully without breaking hearts, stepping on toes and stabbing backs
What's Your Favorite Color: Aqua Blue

4316 days 22 hours ago
Color Level: Orange
Activity 1 to 10?: 7.5
Age: 16
What does Girl Power mean to you?: Girl Power is the greatness coming from girls uniting and simply being there for each other.
What do you think of boys?: Let them be.
What will you do to win?: I will do anything I can to win.
What's your favorite color?: Lime green
4316 days 21 hours ago
Greatness great ally's in frookies were in it when I win
Their hot but girls are better
4316 days 20 hours ago
Color Level: orange
Activity: 1 to 10? 9.5
Age: 16
What does Girl Power mean to you?: pretty everything,i love yo girls <3
Your opinion on boys?:some of them r ok,but mostly they r jerks
What Will You Do To Win:well the most important is to have fun,but if i win that would be awesome
What's Your Favorite Color: yellow :D
4316 days 15 hours ago
Color Level: orange
Activity: 1 to 10? 8
Age: 19
What does Girl Power mean to you?: Girls uniting together as a team!
Your opinion on boys?: Girls rule
What Will You Do To Win: Anything I could without being mean
What's Your Favorite Color: Pink
4316 days 10 hours ago
Color Level: Yellow
Activity: 1 to 10?: 8
Age: 15
What does Girl Power mean to you?: Uniting as a team together and being there for eachother.
Your opinion on boys?: Some just suck but some are just amazing. <3 But all in all, girls are wayyyy better :)
What Will You Do To Win: Anything without backstabbing or hurting others.
What's Your Favorite Color?: Purple
4316 days 7 hours ago
Color Level: White..haha
Activity: 1 to 10? 9/10
Age: 15
What does Girl Power mean to you?: To me, GIRL POWER is a way of girls becoming united, standing strong, && just showing that we don't need Boys to function.
Your opinion on boys?: It's a bit neutral, 50/50.
What Will You Do To Win: Anything(:
What's Your Favorite Color: Purple
4316 days 7 hours ago
it proves that girls are better and smarter than guys, and we don't really need them to survive
some of them are really awesome and fun to be around, but most are egocentric dicks
4316 days 6 hours ago
Color Level:yellow
Activity: 1 to 10? 9.5 (try to get on every day as much as possible)
What does Girl Power mean to you?: Girls need to stick together because men think they can over power us.
Your opinion on boys?: Some are ok, but others are complete a-holes.
What Will You Do To Win: I will do anything to win. I'll make any kind of deals and manipulate any player I need to so I can win.
What's Your Favorite Color pink!(:
4316 days 4 hours ago
Color Level: White lol
Activity: 1 to 10?: 9
Age: 15
What does Girl Power mean to you?: Girls standing together without men over powering us, being counted as equals, and being united.
Your opinion on boys?: All of them are different so I can't judge all of them as one. Some are great while some are horrible.
What Will You Do To Win: I will do anything besides backstabbing and not doing anything to hurt another member.
What's Your Favorite Color: Teal :)
4316 days ago
Color Level: Black
Activity: 1 to 10? 6-7
Age: 15
What does Girl Power mean to you?: That girls have power and that we are equal to boys.
Your opinion on boys?: They are jerks and a lot of them do not treat us with respect.
What Will You Do To Win: Whatever I feel like i need to do lol
What's Your Favorite Color: Blue
4315 days 10 hours ago
Color Level:Black
Activity: 1 to 10?8-9
What does Girl Power mean to you?:IT shows that we are just as strong as men and we are fierce too.
Your opinion on boys?:They are unique just like us.
What Will You Do To Win:whatever I can
What's Your Favorite Color:Purple and Orange

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Big Brother Series 2: Girl Power Edition

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