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Topic » KING OF THE MOUNTAIN Live this..

4329 days 21 hours ago
Okay so King of the mountain, Your tags are due to Josh by Friday
and Your participants in the KOTM are due to me by Friday
each show gets 1 participant to go in
Kelly Kelly (erm Frenchmaid) Can select any superstar from any show as a wildcard as long as they are not in a tag team
and than select a secondary person to go in a poll
The winner of the poll will select the 5th participant in the KOTM

FM you get 2 matches at KOTM

All Matches and results due sunday, if we don't have them than we will just move on
4325 days 7 hours ago
KOTM Match
The Star vs CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kharma vs John Cena

Match Starts, Kharma attacks the fuck out of Cena says "This is for our unborn baby you mother fucker" She shoots cena in the head, he falls to the ground... than three seconds later he gets up and starts screaming and making shit faces... During that time Ziggles and Punk are fighting, and than the Star hits the starkiss on Ziggles after punk kicks ziggles, 1 2 3, Star has qualified to hang the case, than punk goes for a pin, but Ziggles reverses the pin 1 2 3 Ziggles qualified, Kharma and Cena are fighting and rolling around each other, Kharma is trying to kill Cena, Cena is trying to slip his dick inside of Kharma... Both are failing because Cena never dies, and Kharma lost her vagina...
Punk Decides that he is gonna shoot Cena and pin Cena, So Punk Grabs the gun and shoots Cena, but it misses and hits kharma
Cena lays on kharma and gets it in her butthole for a mere three seconds, but that is enough to make cena qualify... Kharma gets up angry and starts thrashing around like a gorilla
She attacks Punk, but than Punk reverses into an Anaconda vice and Kharma taps, Punk grabs the tranquilizer and subdues the beast, 4 of the 5 have qualified
and IWA Rule states that the last standing who doesn't qualify goes in the cage, so they put the subdued gorilla in the cage

To Be Continued
4324 days 18 hours ago
Part 2
everyone is looking at each other, Than they start fighting, The star goes after Cena, Punk and Ziggles go after each other...
all of a sudden there is some ratteling, the beast in the cage has woke up, and is angry, she bursts through the cage and than goes after cena, during this time the star and punk start battling, the star hits a starkiss on punk, than stands back up to receive a crossrhodes from none other than Cody Rhodes, Cody has the briefcase, gives it to Ziggles and ziggles quickly runs up, The star gets up and starkisses rhodes, Punk hits the go to sleep, but they don't go after ziggles because it is too late
he has attached the briefcase to the ceiling, Ziggles has won
4323 days 14 hours ago
1. Elimination Tag Match for the WoW Tag Team Championships:
Gothic Association (MsChif and Christina Von Eerie w/ Dafney vs. Hamada and Taylor Wilde

Christina and Taylor starts off. Quick Headlock with Christina shoving Taylor to the floor. Taylor gets up and slaps Christina across the face followed by a spear. Taylor grabs Christina and tags out to Hamada, performing a double arm drag. Pin on Christina:1..2.! Hamda irish whips Christina across the ring and hits a headbutt on Christina. Lionsault on Christina and pin:1..2.! Christina quickly crawls to MsChif and tags her in. MsChif clotheslines the hell of Hamada . MsChif with a big boot to Hamada. Pin:1..2.! MsChif performs a russian legsweep into a pin on Hamada:1..2.! Mschif applies a Dragon Sleeper on Hamada. Taylor claps, helping the fans cheer her on. Hamada quickly gets to vertical base and hits punches across MsChif's face. Hamada kicks MsChif in the face and tags out to Taylor. Cross body on MsChif followed by two dropkicks and a quick neckbreaker. Pin on MsChif:1..2..! Break up from Christina. Hamada quickly pushes herself and Christina out of the ring. Taylor goes onto the top rope, looking for a missle dropkick, only for Daffney to push Taylor off the top rope, Taylor landing in a very awkward and painful-looking way. MsChif takes advantage:1..2..3!

Winner and new WoW Tag Team Championships: Gothic Association in 5:42

EMTS rush to Taylor's aid, as she is motionless.


Backstage. new WoW Opener champion Tamina is being interviewed by new WoW signee: Caylee Turner

Caylee: I am here with new WoW Opener champion: Tamina Snuka! Tamina how does it feel to be the FIRST EVER WoW opener champion?
Tamina: Caylee, it feels AWESOME to hold such a title. I know my family is so proud of me and I will make sure to continue the legacy of the Snu-

Out of nowhere, Paige and Sofia rushes in and attacks Tamina. Paige holds Tamina in a masterlock submission while Paige kicks and stomps on Tamina. Paige finishes it off by screaming right into Tamina's ear before dropping her to the floor.


Submission match for the WoW Championship:
Victoria vs. Sara Del Ray

Victoria extends her hand for a handshake. SDR is hesistant. She complies, only for Victoria to elbow the right arm. Victoria quickly applies an armlock on SDR. SDR quickly grabs the nearest ropes and performs a cartwheel to release herself. She then performs an arm drag on Victoria.Victoria glares at SDR as she is ambushed by her with a spear. SDR quickly stomps on the right ankle and applies an ankle lock on Victoria. Victoria uses her left foot to kick SDR's right shoulder, releasing the lock. SDR holds the shoulder in pain as Victoria grabs the right arm and twists it to the mat. Victoria quickly knee stomps the right arm before appling an arm lock submission. SDR squeels in pain as she quickly gets on her knees and grabs Victoria's right ankle and performs a leg drop on it. SDR applies a single leg boston crab on the right leg of Victoria, with twisting the right ankle. Victoria pushes SDR off and stumbles to get up. SDR is on her feet first and hits a low dropkick to the right knee of Victoria. Victoria quickly rolls out of the ring, getting her A-Game back. SDR tries to grab her hair from inside the ring, only for Victoria to grab the right arm and bang it across the pole.SDR holds her arm in pain as Victoria gets on the aapron and hits a leg drop on the right arm. Victoria grabs the right wrist and twists it, making SDR scream. Few more knee stomps on SDR before appling an Arm Triangle choke. SDR tries to get out of the submission, only to gasp for air. Victoria pulls SDR's hair, forcing the ref to break the submission. SDR gets on her knees, only for Victoria to hit a powerful punch at the right elbow. Victoria goes at it again with the triangle hold. SDR squeels around before reaching the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold. Victoria, frustrated, picks SDR up and was looking for th
4227 days 6 hours ago
oshit another match is added a champions battle royal and ziggles leaves with every title, even the female ones
4227 days 5 hours ago
Bad Ass!!!!!

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